School Visits
Ada Ari’s school visits provides students with an authentic and interactive exploration of culture. Each session is customized to meet the needs of the schools and students. At a high level, the program can offer these experiences listed below. Ada connects with each school to customize each visit.
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Explore Our African Folktales
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Explore Our African Languages
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Ada Ari Books is built on stories that were created for children around Africa and it is only right to give back to these children. I have always been passionate about the care of orphans, and there are a number of orphanages around Africa that are providing much needed care to children in need.

About Ada-Ari
Ada Ari is an educator, entrepreneur, presenter and an award-winning author on a mission to promote diversity and inclusion in children’s literature. She is touring the African continent and retelling some of the most loved African folktales in the form of beautifully-illustrated children’s picture books. These story books are historical artifacts - returning a piece of the African legacy that was lost over centuries of migration from the continent.
Ada provides K-12 school, districts, and ECE centers with age-appropriate African Studies curriculum products and services. She also tours the US with her African Storytelling Reimagined programs. This highly interactive program provides students with a hands-on approach to discovering the beauty of African culture through dance, storytelling, and interactions with authentic artifacts.
Ada is the co-founder and CEO of KOLI & OLUM – the largest collection of board books solely dedicated to teaching Africa’s native languages to young children. The collection features 3 board books per language and currently covers over 21 African languages.
Ada’s children were her inspiration. A Nigeria immigrant, she wanted her second-generation American children to embrace their cultural heritage and that included learning their language as well as hearing the stories that Ada heard growing up. As she took a step back, she realized a much broader applicability. By sharing the stories and cultural aspects with children of all backgrounds, she hopes to foster future generations of global citizens who grow up with a deeper awareness of and appreciation for African culture.
The stories that Ada retells in the United States were created for children in Africa and she has always been passionate about the care of orphans. Ada donates 10% of all proceeds to orphanages around Africa.